V-738 High-Precision XY Stage

Clear Aperture, High Travel Accuracy and Stability, Linear Motors

  • Travel range 102 mm × 102 mm (4")
  • Large aperture, 150 mm × 150 mm
  • Unidirectional repeatability to 0.1 µm
  • Velocity to 500 mm/s
  • 3-phase linear motor
  • High-resolution incremental linear encoder
V-738 High-Precision XY Stage
Descrizione del Prodotto Specifiche Download Quotazione / Ordine

Linear motors

Linear motors are electromagnetic direct drives. They dispense with mechanical components in the drivetrain and transfer the drive force directly and friction-free to the motion platform. The drives reach high velocities and accelerations. Ironless motors are particularly suitable for positioning tasks with the highest demands on precision because there is no undesirable interaction with the permanent magnets. This allows smooth running even at the lowest velocities and at the same time, there is no vibration at high velocities. Nonlinearity in control behavior is avoided and any position can be controlled easily. The drive force can be set freely.

Recirculating ball bearings

When carefully assembled, recirculating ball bearings are distinguished by a beneficial combination of high load capacity, lifetime, maintenance-free operation, and guiding accuracy. The moving part of the stages is supported by four preloaded recirculating ball bearing units, which run on two guide rails. Each bearing unit is made up of two independent rows of circulating ball bearings.

Highly accurate position measuring with incremental linear encoder

Noncontact optical linear encoders measure the position directly at the platform with the greatest accuracy. Nonlinearity, mechanical play or elastic deformation have no influence on the measurement.

Other travel ranges on request.

Application fields

Medical industry. Laser cutting. Scanning. Biotechnology. Measuring technology. AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection). Microscopy.



Datasheet V-738

Versione / Data
pdf - 1 MB
Versione / Data
pdf - 1 MB
Versione / Data
pdf - 819 KB




Datasheet V-738

Versione / Data
pdf - 1 MB
Versione / Data
pdf - 1 MB
Versione / Data
pdf - 819 KB



Short Instructions MP163EK

Positioners with Magnetic Linear Motor: V-308 / V-408 / V-508 / V-52x / V-551 / V-610 / V-73x / V-741

Versione / Data
4.1.0 06/2023
pdf - 419 KB
Versione / Data
4.1.0 06/2023
pdf - 419 KB

User Manual MP183

L-738 / V-738 Precision XY Stage

Versione / Data
1.2.0 2024-01-18
pdf - 1 MB
Versione / Data
1.2.0 2024-01-18
pdf - 1 MB

3D Models

3D Models

3-D model V-738

zip - 2 MB

Quote / Order

Ask for a free quote on quantities required, prices, and lead times or describe your desired modification.


High-precision XY stage, ironless 3-phase linear motor; 102 mm x 102 mm travel range (X × Y); 100 N load capacity; 500 mm/s × 500 mm/s maximum velocity; incremental linear encoder, 20 µm sensor signal period, sin/cos, 1 V peak-peak

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