Customized Products
Competitive Edge due to Large Range and Unconventional Solutions
PI is fully at home where unconventional solutions are in demand. This is no longer limited to fields of research. Today, nanotechnology is also present in standardized industrial processes. Whether for industry or research, PI is in a position to offer solutions that far exceed the performance of "standard commercial" technology. Understanding the customers' requirements is essential in finding a creative solution.
The technological range available to PI always permits different approaches to a solution and is not limited to a single technology in advance. This often gives customers a considerable competitive edge.
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Specials for Research and Development
Scientists and Development Departments Rely on PI
Be it in science or product development: Being ahead means relying on the components used. PI is used for differentiation purposes, because drive components, positioners or systems by PI can make all the difference in "state-of-the-art technology".
Many scientific publications cite PI systems, as they are an important requisite for successful research and development projects. Bespoke developments for public research are a daily business for PI. Extreme ambient conditions and new designs are just as common as are slight modifications for better adaptation to applications. Important fields of research are, for example, beamline instrumentation, micro systems, and nanotechnology.
And often enough, developments at universities, with PI supplying the main components, form the basis for establishing own successful and innovative companies.
- Piezo system technology at the highest level for over 40 years
- Self-developed piezomotors
- Adaptation of magnetic direct motors, ironless and iron core
- Vacuum technology
- Own software and drivers
- Own control and control concepts
- Self-developed sensor technology for short and long travel ranges
- Highly accurate measuring technology: New and further development of measuring methods
Examples of Requirements
What Makes PI Different to Other Manufacturers
Production Capacity for Customized Products
The production spectrum ranging from integrated systems, a two-ton hexapod to a 10-gram nanopositioner requires that PI has available equipment and technologies with which these systems can be manufactured, assembled, and qualified.
- 5,000 m² clean room for production
- Climate- and vibration-isolated measuring conditions
- Vacuum technology for environments to 10-10 hPa
- Metrology with traceable, calibrated external measuring equipment
- Monitoring of piezo actuator technology from material composition to final inspection
- In-house manufacturing of positioning sensors
- Heavy Duty Hall with lifting-rotating equipment
- Fractal Organization of Production Processes

The professional production, assembly and qualification has top priority, starting from the first prototype.
Ralf Fütterer, Head of the Manufacturing Fractal for Customized Products
Livelli di Integrazione
PI è un fornitore leader di dispositivi di alta precisione a vari livelli di integrazione. I componenti quali gli azionamenti piezo, i sensori e i controllori di movimento compatti possono essere adattati per essere inseriti in macchine e attrezzature di produzione OEM. Viene garantita la capacità produttiva per la produzione in volumi. Il sistema di posizionamento classico offre un'impostazione più semplice e permette un'integrazione specifica in un'applicazione. I sistemi completamente integrati offrono una funzionalità completa progettata secondo i requisiti unici del mercato.