P-841 Preloaded Piezo Actuators

Compact Actuators for High Loads and Forces, with Position Sensor

  • Outstanding lifetime due to PICMA® piezo actuators
  • Travel range to 90 µm
  • Compact housing
  • Push force capacity to 1000 N
  • Pull force capacity to 50 N
  • µs response time
  • Subnanometer resolution
  • Versions with spherical tip
P-841 Preloaded Piezo Actuators
Descrizione del Prodotto Specifiche Download Quotazione / Ordine

Application fields

  • Static and dynamic precision positioning
  • Fiber positioning
  • Laser tuning
  • Nanotechnology

Outstanding lifetime thanks to PICMA® piezo actuators

The PICMA® piezo actuators are all-ceramic insulated. This protects them against humidity and failure resulting from an increase in leakage current. PICMA® actuators offer an up to ten times longer lifetime than conventional polymer-insulated actuators. 100 billion cycles without a single failure are proven.



Datasheet P-841

Versione / Data
pdf - 707 KB
Versione / Data
pdf - 709 KB
Versione / Data
pdf - 708 KB


Product Note

Product Note

Product Change Notification P-8XX.XX

Versione / Data
pdf - 92 KB
Product Note

Product Change Notification Piezo Actuator Driven Products

Versione / Data
pdf - 377 KB



Datasheet P-841

Versione / Data
pdf - 707 KB
Versione / Data
pdf - 709 KB
Versione / Data
pdf - 708 KB



Short Instructions PZ303

Housed PICMA® Actuators to 100 V

Versione / Data
1.2.0 11/2020
pdf - 958 KB
Versione / Data
1.2.0 11/2020
pdf - 961 KB

User Manual P841M0001

P-841 Preloaded piezo actuators

Versione / Data
pdf - 2 MB
Versione / Data
pdf - 2 MB

3D Models

3D Models

P-841 3D Model

zip - 83 KB

Ask for a free quote on quantities required, prices, and lead times or describe your desired modification.


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 15 µm travel range; 32 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 15 µm travel range; 32 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; spherical tip; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 30 µm travel range; 50 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 30 µm travel range; 50 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; spherical tip; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 45 µm travel range; 68 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 45 µm travel range; 68 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; spherical tip; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 60 µm travel range; 86 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 60 µm travel range; 86 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; spherical tip; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 90 µm travel range; 122 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length


Preloaded piezo actuator; PICMA® piezo actuator drive; 90 µm travel range; 122 mm length; push force capacity 1000 N; pull force capacity 50 N; SGS, direct position measuring; spherical tip; LEMO connectors; 1 m cable length

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