N-400.VA PiezoMike Vacuum Feedthrough

Interface Between Air Side and Vacuum

  • Accessory for PiezoMike actuators and electronics without sensor evaluation
  • Closure and port for vacuum chambers
  • Vacuum compatible to 10-6 hPa
N-400.VA PiezoMike Vacuum Feedthrough
Descrizione del Prodotto Specifiche Download Quotazione / Ordine

Connection of standard controllers to vacuum applications


Vacuum feedthroughs are the interface between the mechanics within the vacuum enclosure and the controller on the air side. They enable standard controllers to be connected to vacuum applications.


Air-side adapter cables are available in different lengths. They are not part of the feedthrough's scope of delivery.




Datasheet N-400.VA

Versione / Data
pdf - 122 KB
Versione / Data
pdf - 123 KB

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